Nasyid TV – Haikal (from Jakim TV)

Video Fans Meet with Haikal

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Preview Album Baru Nur One “Kau Terhebat”

Album: Kau Terhebat

Artis: Nur One

Terbitan: Arteffects  Edaran: Warner Music Malaysia


Tarikh Edaran: 31 Januari 2011…

Lowkey – Long Live Palestine

This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza,
This is for the child that is searching for the answer,
I wish I could take your tears and replace them with laughter,
Long live Palestine, Long live Gaza!!

Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza,…

Bicara Studiokini Bersama IQ-ONE

<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-4485" title="IQ-ONE (1Jangan Lupa Tuhan)" src="" al…

Nasyid 2011 – Mahu Bangkit atau Masih Disitu

Assalammualaikum semua.

Agak lama juga saya tidak mencoret sesuatu di ruangan saya ini. Kekangan masa dan kesibukan kerja menjadi penghalang. Namun, dicelah itu, tidak sedar rupanya sudah masuk tahun baru 2011. Seakan pantas masa berlalu mening…


<img style="display: block; margin: 0px auto 10px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 320px; height: 315px;" src="…

Promo Album Ke-2 Fairuz-Eklusif

Preview secara eklusif di nasyid2u,menampilkan promo album ke-2 kumpulan Fairuz
<img src="file:/C%3A/Users/MasryTech/Downloads/Mas…

Pernikahan Salah Satu Insan Nasyid Indonesia

Alhamdulillah, telah menikah salah satu sahabat kita, seorang insan nasyid, Agus Idwar yang kiprah dan jasanya buat perkembangan nasyid Indonesia tidak diragukan lagi.  Agus Idwar, adalah salah satu pendiri tim nasyid Snada, tim nasyid yang sekarang bisa dikatakan tim nasyid paling populer Indonesia. Beliau juga adalah salah satu penasyid yang mungkin pertama kali mengusung genre Rap ke dalam nasyid Indonesia. Kiprahnya di dunia nasyid juga semakin bersinar semenjak mengarsiteki beberapa album nasyid yang bisa meledak di pasar musik Indonesia seperti album Tausiyah Dzikir dan Nasyid dan album-album Opick. Sahabat kita satu ini juga yang sangat aktif mempromosikan nasyid agar muncul di televisi nasional. Bahkan kompetisi nasyid terbesar yang pernah ada di Indonesia yaitu Festival Nasyid Indonesia Indosiar dan Nasyid, Tausyah dan Qiro’ah TV7, Agus Idwar adalah salah satu orang yang ada di belakangnya.

Agus Idwar menikah dengan seorang muslimah cantik bernama Gieztia Mardini yang merupakan pemenang pertama ajang pencarian bakat “Siti Nurhaliza Cari bintang Pantene, Finalis Mojang Jajaka bandung 2005 dan Finalis Miss Indonesia 2009. Telah melangsungkan akad nikah pada hari Jumat, 14 januari 2011 di Bandung dan resepsi pada hari Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011. Pada resepsi pernikahan ini banyak sekali artis yang menghadiri dan juga tentunya dimeriahkan beberapa penampilan nasyid seperti dari tim nasyid Snada, Snada feat Reza, Ustadz Uje, Opick, Gunawan “Amole Voice”, Pizicapela, Justive Voice, Gradasi serta Fahri (violist Cilik putra dari Ikhsan Snada) dan sang adik.

Barakallahu Fikum Agus dan Gieztia, selamat menempuh hidup baru ya !

Nasyid Group Does Not Have Bersongkok

SINCE Raihan appeared to them titled debut album Praise in 1997, the local music industry saw the emergence of many contemporary nasyid group with them.

Most of the nasyid group appeared not only in terms of music channels that are aligned with Raihan, but their appearance is almost the same as bersongkok and uniform.

However, after 13 years, the appearance and image of the nasyid group has now changed – along with the times, including no longer bersongkok or robe.

New nasyid group, for example Castury come up with a contemporary image and the image does not proceed as customary bersongkok nasyid groups during the era more than a decade ago.

A member of the trio, Mohd. Hafiz Abd. Hamid, 37, said, nasyid group has grown and they no longer identified through the regular bersongkok image.

“Not necessarily if you sing the songs of each group nasyid nasyid is due bersongkok. Now, an increasing number of groups or singers are not bersongkok nasyid as international artists, Maher Zain.

“What’s important we look neat and proper and lyrics of songs we are positive, including the divinity or humanity,” he said when met at Hits Kuala Lumpur recently.

According to Mohd. Hafiz, he hoped that the image looks more modern members of the group include styling the latest fashions are expected to attract the attention of youngsters.

In fact, he said, Castury not only want to attract more fans nasyid rhythm but also the opportunity for fans of other genres of music to appreciate the songs they sing.

“If possible we want to draw attention to non-fans to buy and nasyid songs we hear. What’s more, our songs are also quite modern, and to the concept of world music.

“But in terms of lyrics, he remains positive that by displaying the lyrics and the theme of divine humanity that is not in the habit of running out of songs from the first nasyid until now,” he said.

Besides Mohd. Hafiz, Castury also comprises Mohd. Fetri Hussin, 26, and Mohammad Azim Mohd. Salleh, 22, was also invited Ayati Tasrip, pop era of the 1980s sang the song Reminded Manners.

Clearly, Mohd. Hafiz, the indirect approach will give variations as well as be able to attract more fans.

“Not only that, but it will attract the attention of fans, known for its stability Ayati vocal to have our album.

“Besides, we also sing with a member of nasyid group Azwan Far East through the song Lean On Hope. The Far East fans might also hear our songs,” he said.

Heavenly Fragrance Seharum Kasturi contains seven songs that use new approaches in album sales, including marketing on the Internet.

Album issue Allkind Music Entertainment is priced at RM21.90 was heavily promoted in websites nasyid music in the rapidly expanding Internet.

“Right now the website on the Internet we have a lot of sites that support nasyid rhythm, for example sites that promote and comment our album for free.

“Indirectly, it will help further sales of this album than it is openly marketed by Universal Music Sdn. Bhd. Since 18 November last year,” he said.

Six songs are included in the album titled Heavenly Fragrance Seharum Kasturi Kasturi Star You, Just Waiting Pasrah, Backup Hope, Ordinary Life, Manners and Only Reminded Pasrah Waiting